Experiencing Wild Life Raising Twins!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Lucas loves to wrestle Lily!

This is what is called the "Sneak Attack". He appears to be interested in the toy and then...
He attackes her!

She doesn't seem to mind because she was asleep. Watch out Lucas when she wakes up she is going to be pretty ticked!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Visit from Redmond, Karen and Sadie

Lily helping Sadie with her present from us.

More presents!

Aunt "G" came over for a while to visit.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Things are sorta back to our normal schedule now that the holidays are over!

These pictures are just the kids hanging out at the house playing together, eating and etc.

By the way they are sporting the onesies they got for Christmas from Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Steve and Cousin Olivia.

Monday, December 25, 2006

The Twins get to really play with their toys now that we are home alone!!!

Lucas loves the choo choo train he got from Grandma and Grandpa.

Lily knows that accessories are the key to a great outfit! As you notice her very festive bow.

Boy this train engine sure has a good flavor.

Nobody ever told me that monkey hand tasted this good.

Ok Lily get outta my way I want to play the piano!

More Christmas Day Visitors
Gloria actually came over early and helped me get the kids dressed and fed while Robert cooked breakfast.

Pop-pop and Nanny
Uncle Jeff

Christmas Day Visitors

Grandpa and Grandma "G" came over and had breakfast with us. We use to go over thier house for Christmas breakfast but we told them we have kids now so you have to come to our house. That way the kids stay home and play with their new toys.
Uncle Roland
Aunt Rose

to be continued in next post.
Christmas Morning

We must have been really good because look what Santa left for us!

Ok hurry up and feed me I'm ready to play with my new toys!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

We are all ready for Santa!

Cookies and Milk left out for Santa.

Lucas is in his new Pj's, has his blue dog he got from Miss Lauren and is exhausted from the busy day. So he is so ready to go to bed.

Lily is in her new pj's, has her pinky dog from Miss Lauren and she looks a little tired.

Off to bed we go so we will be well rested for tomorrow!

Christmas Eve Night at Mom and Dad's

Andrew making a basket with an assist from his Mom! We gave the boys the basketball set.

Mom and Dad holding the Twins with Andrew.

The 4 cousins playing near each other. They really get along great.

Lily with a present from Aunt "G' and the boys. The kids had a "Five little Monkeys" book that my best friend Robyn had given them because we call Lucas Monkey. Well one day the boys were over playing and Shawn ripped the cover off the book so we had to throw it away. I was a little upset because it was a special book but kids will be kids. Without me knowing Gloria took the cover with her, she went to Barnes & Noble showed them the cover and told them I need this book! So she gave the Twins the replacement book as part of their present from them.

Present time is almost over! We have all had a long day. I wonder what Santa will bring the Twin's? I guess we will find out tomorrow morning!

More Christmas Eve with the Elks Family.

This my Gandparents with their 3 daughters.
Left to Right: Phyllis, Sondra and Rose

This is Rose and Jeff with their daughter Katie. I think Katie is soo over having her picture taken by the look on her face!

The Nix's: Jules, Phyllis, Austin, Aaron, Noah, Elisabeth and Paige

Katie showing Lucas how to dress her American Girl Doll!

Next Stop Mom and Dad's House!

Christmas Eve with the Elks Family

We went to my Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Jules' to celebrate Christmas Eve for Lunch and to exchange gifts. This was the first time that my Uncle Jeff from California had met the Twins. Aunt Rose and Cousin Katie came in the Summer and met the Twins then. Let's see our celebration was attended by 22 people and 8 of that are kids. Oh my present time was a free for all with the older kids! We had to really watch the little ones that they didn't get stepped on or lost in the mass of wrapping paper and gift boxes! I tell you the holidays are so much better when you have children to share them with. I almost makes you feel like a kid again yourself no matter what your age is.

Our family of 4!
My Family!
Front row left to right: Lucas, Shawn, Andrew and Lily
2nd row: Robert, Gloria and me
back row: Dad and Mom

Gloria and the boys. Shawn is doing his best fish face!

Present Time!!!
My Uncle Jeff and Aunt Rose

Good News Delivered!!!!

Before we went to my Aunt Phyllis' to celebrate Christmas with the Elks Family we had a special visit. My friend Michelle and her Mom Sandy came over. I thought Michelle just needed to finish up some Creative Memories business with me but I was wrong. She came over to tell me that she is pregnant!!!!!! Well I cried like a baby out of sheer joy for her and Mike. She is going to be a SUPER Mom!!!!!

This is Sandy the Grandma to be holding Lucas.

This is Michelle with the bun in the oven with Lily. They are looking at my Mom's Christmas gift that Gloria and I made. It's a scrapbook of all 4 of her grandkids from birth to now.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Presents for us
These are the first presents the twins have opened on their own. I think they like the flavor of the paper and bows that were used in the wrapping of their gifts. These gifts are from Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Steve and Cousin Olivia. They gave the kids these adorable twin onesies that say I was here first and no I was here first.

Then Robert and I got the twins new Pj's for Christmas. Lucas' are monkey ones and Lily's are frog ones.
