Rally for Chesapeake's American Idol Finalist! Chris Richardson!
After Chris got voted off American Idol a rally was held in his honor at his old stomping grounds. They had the rally at Great Bridge High Stadium where Chris played football. There were a lot of people mostly of the female persuasion to show love to him.
He arrived to the stage by way of a local radio station van led by the GBHS drum line and cheerleaders.
After Chris got voted off American Idol a rally was held in his honor at his old stomping grounds. They had the rally at Great Bridge High Stadium where Chris played football. There were a lot of people mostly of the female persuasion to show love to him.
Then our Mayor Dalton Edge presented him with a key to the city and a plaque commemorating the event.
Then Chris thanked everyone for their support and did a short Q&A. He got a marriage proposal and people asked him silly questions. He use to work at Hooter's on Battlefield across from Chesapeake General and someone asked him what his favorite strength of hot wings is. Anyway we had fun going. It was Me, Gloria and the boys who met our friend Michelle, her sis-in-law and her 2 nieces at the stadium. What is kind cool is Michelle lives down the street from Chris!
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