Experiencing Wild Life Raising Twins!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Surprise Shower for Michelle!

My friend Michelle who is also my Creative Memories Upline is pregnant her due date is August 15th. I hope she has Gretchen Avery a day early so we will have the same birthday! Michelle is a hard one to surprise but I managed to do it anyway. We had a Unit Meeting scheduled for tonight and I got all the girls in our group to bring finger foods, wear pink or purple and to bring gifts of baby never outs. Baby never outs are diapers, wipes, baby wash, lotion well you get the picture. We have all our meetings at Michelle's so we brought the party to her and she never saw it coming. I'm sure she thought someone was going to do something for her but not 4 months before her due date!
Michelle showing off her baby bump with Marcy in the background. Marcy brought the cookie cake.
Heather setting up her veggie tray.
Opening her gifts.

We all had a great time and what was really neat is Mike was there and so he was able to be apart of her first shower. While we were eating we were telling funny and somewhat scary baby stories. I hope we didn't scare Mike too much.


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